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  1. Comparison & Ex-Ante using a CIP - Research Report

    A Report can be created on the Research report: You can either view the report or download: ...
  2. Basis of Illustration - Stochastic Forecast

    This article is a continuation of Basis of Illustration - Results The Stochastic Forecast tab includes a Projection, Probability and Portfolio graph: The first column is based on the Target Strategic Asset Allocation . The second column is ...
  3. Comparison & Ex-Ante - Research Report

    A Report can be created on the Research report: You can either view the report or download: ...
  4. What's in Pathways 4.1 Release?

    Pathways Product Update Ex-post Reviews, Switching Analysis and Valuations We're pleased to share the new licensable features and analysis tools    Ex-post Reviews    Valuations for Holdings    Switching...
  5. My Apps & Settings - App Launcher

    My Apps & Settings allows you to access App Launcher and Provider Credentials. In this article, we will be looking at the App Launcher. Webline Protection, Product & Fund Research and Retirement Analyser will be greyed out until you...
  6. Fund Lists - Share Class Lock

    The share class lock can be found within Fund Lists. Leaving a fund unlocked will allow the system to choose a cheaper share class when running Illustrations. If locked, the system will only use the exact fund listed. ...
  7. Ex-Post Reviews - How to create a review

    Ex-post reviews can be conducted from a holding that has been converted from ex-ante research. For more information on how to create a comparison with ex-ante or ex-ante research, see here. Navigate to the holding you would like to review: Cl...
  8. Ex-Post Reviews - Mark as Complete

    This article is a continuation of  Ex-Post Reviews - Report Once the report has been reviewed, Mark as Complete at the top right of the screen: Continue The Mark as Complete button will be greyed out once done. ...
  9. Ex-Post Reviews - Report

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Client Check-In In the Report  area, you will find the proposal details on the left side of the screen: The body of the report can be viewed on the right side of the screen: ...
  10. Ex-Post Reviews - Client Check-In

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Report Content The Client Check-In  screen allows you to add commentary to evidence that the clients attitude to risk, knowledge & experience and personal circumstances have been asses...