Popular Articles

  1. How do I create new users and edit accounts?

    Your ability to create new user accounts depends on the type of licence you have bought for Synaptic Research. If you have only paid for the basic edition of the software then you may not be able to create new accounts. The top section of the main ...
  2. How to control the branch / sub company panel permissions in Synaptic Comparator

    Should you require that your branches / sub companies use your configured panels and charges (and not have the ability to change them), go into Setup  and then to Organisation Structure : The company on the example 'Training&...
  3. How do I set up Personal Preset Criteria?

    If, when doing research for a particular product, you always choose the same basic criteria then you could save yourself time and set these up as Preset Criteria .  Presets can be set up on a Personal basis (just for you to use) or a Company b...
  4. I get a warning message when selecting a specific fund – what could be causing this?

    There may be a number of icons that display next to each fund, if you click on them they will display further information. The “no entry” symbol (red circle with line through) means that the particular fund is missing data that means i...
  5. How do I administer my firm's user list?

    You can view all your firm’s users by clicking on the User list  link on the menu bar of the home page. This link is hidden unless either (a) you are an administrator for your firm, or (b) you have been given the ability to carry out fil...
  6. Why certain providers do not return quotes?

    How to check that providers and products are enabled in your panel
  7. How is the attitude to risk level determined? What is this based on?

    The ATR questionnaire is made up of 12 questions and each of these questions has 5 possible answers, ranging from ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’. Clients’ answers are scored between 0 and 4 and the appropriate ...
  8. Webline errors - something went wrong?

    Sometimes, although very rarely, something can go wrong. If you get an error which you do not know what has caused it after checking yourprovider panel, agency codes or commission settings, gather as much details as you possibly can (including scree...
  9.  Synaptic Analyser - Income Analysis

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. This video will take you through the full income analysis process, allowing you to build a comprehensive view of your client’s income requirements step-by-step. All information contained within ...
  10. Do you have Ethical funds on the system?

    If a fund has an ethical policy, its factsheet will include a green marker at the bottom of the first section which gives the basic details of the fund. This is illustrated and highlighted in the first screenshot. Clicking on the link in this bo...