Updated Articles

  1. Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - 'What If' Scenario

    This article is a continuation of - Illustrations - Edit Outcome - Alternative Outcomes The 'What If' scenario allows you see how an alternative scenario compares against the illustration you've created. Select the 'What If' ...
  2. Risk Illustrations - Navigation

    As you work through the illustration, you will see a breadcrumb trail at the top of the screen: As you go through the steps, this will add a tick to the area in the breadcrumb trail. You can select any of the previous steps to go back to that s...
  3. Risk Illustrations - Investment Details

    This article is a continuation of - Illustrations - Creating an Illustration Once the Illustration has been created, you can start to complete details of the scenario. Start by selecting the Target Risk Category: Complete the Investment d...
  4. Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Alternative Outcomes

    Alternative Outcome is found within the Advanced Options tab of the Results screen. There are multiple alternative outcomes you can compare: Inflation No Fees 'What If' Scenario Sustainable Drawdown Solve Contributions Selecting one...
  5. Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Term Matrix

    Term Matrix is found within the Compare Alternative Outcomes area of an Illustration. You are able to explore the impact of term and risk using the illustration as reference. Select one or more options here and it will add details of the scenario t...
  6. Risk Illustrations - Report

    If you have edited any details within the Advanced Options screen, you will need to select 'Yes' or 'No' to the Capacity for Loss statement before continuing to the next step: If you have no answered the Capacity for Loss st...
  7. Risk Illustrations - Capacity For Loss

    Complete the capacity for loss questions below to audit the discussion around whether committing to an extended term is appropriate for your client. If you would like to add MiFiD compliance supporting notes, add them here: For further infor...
  8. Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Solve Contributions

    This article is a continuation of article Illustrations - Edit Outcome - Sustainable Drawdown Solve Contributions is found within the Compare Alternative Outcomes area. Selecting the option will open 'Solve Contributions' on the bottom ri...
  9. Risk Illustrations

    Illustrations are found within the Contact record: ...
  10. Homepage

    See below for key areas on the Synaptic Pathways Homepage: ...