Updated Articles

  1. Risk Illustrations - Suitability

    The Suitability tab includes a Suitability Statement & an Efficient Frontier graph: The Suitability Statement includes the minimum appropriate term for the investment horizon, term & risk category: The Efficient Frontier shows how th...
  2. Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Illustration Settings

    Here you can change details of your illustration scenario for e.g. Investment details & Portfolio. Please note: Changing anything in the Advanced Options tab> Illustration Settings will change your scenario. Use the ‘What If’ are...
  3. Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Sustainable Drawdown

    This article is a continuation of article - Illustrations - Edit Outcome - 'What If' Scenario The Sustainable Drawdown filter allows you to see the longevity of the investment, using the following information: Retirement Age Retirement...
  4. Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Change Portfolio/Fund

    If you would like to change the portfolio or fund for your Illustration, click ‘Change’ Click 'Change' to open the search box: Search for the portfolio/fund and select from the drop down: This will update the portfoli...
  5. Risk Illustrations - Results + Costs

    The Results + Costs button will display the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to meet the objective.  The Results include costs: ...
  6. Risk Illustrations - Results + Inflation

    The Results + Inflation tab, will display the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to meet the objective.  The Results include Inflation: ...
  7. Risk Illustrations - Results + Costs & Inflation

    The Results + Costs & Inflation tab, will display the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to meet the objective.  The Results include Costs & Inflation: ...
  8. Risk Illustrations - Creating an Illustration

    To create an illustration for a client, load up the client’s contact record: Click ‘New’ to create a new illustration: Click back into the illustration by clicking on the Illustration name: For information on ...
  9. Risk Illustrations - Pathway Selection

    This article is a continuation of - Illustrations - Investment Details In the Pathway Selection screen, you can either Select an Investment Pathway Fund or Portfolio or Use the Clients Default Attitude to Risk. If you would like to use the...
  10. Risk Illustrations - Results Screen

    The Results screen shows the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to meet the objective. For further information on the Results screen, see the following articles: Illustrations -...