Updated Articles

  1. Comparison & Ex-Ante - Adviser Fees

    Adviser Fees can be added/amended through the Fees  tab: If you have chosen to set Adviser Fees per Investment, the Add Fees Per Investment button will be enabled and fees will be greyed out. You will need to edit each investment in the ...
  2. Comparison & Ex-Ante - Add Investment

    Once the Research has been created, you can start to add Investments to research. See articles on how to create research - Comparison & Ex-Ante - Creating through the homepage Comparison & Ex-Ante - Creating in the research tab & Com...
  3. What's in Pathways 5.1 Release?

    Pathways Product Update Enhancements to research journeys  We're pleased to share the highlights of our latest Pathways product release Enhancements to core features Products created by your organisation are held in the produ...
  4. What's in Pathways 5.0 Release?

    Pathways Product Update Enhancements to research journeys  We're pleased to share the highlights of our latest Pathways product release Enhancements to core features Portfolio builder improvements Fund validation on holdings...
  5. Portfolio Builder - Importing Portfolios

    Funds can be imported by citicode or ISIN into a portolio. Create a portfolio in Portfolio Builder: Enter details of the portfolio and 'Save': Click 'Import Funds' in the top right of the screen: Click 'Sample ...
  6. Risk Illustrations - Report

    If you have edited any details within the Advanced Options screen, you will need to select 'Yes' or 'No' to the Capacity for Loss statement before continuing to the next step: If you have no answered the Capacity for Loss st...
  7. Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - 'What If' Scenario

    This article is a continuation of - Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Alternative Outcomes The 'What If' scenario allows you see how an alternative scenario compares against the illustration you've created. Select the 'What...
  8. Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Illustration Settings

    This article is a continuation of article Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options . Here you can change details of your illustration scenario for e.g. Investment details & Portfolio. Please note: Changing anything in the Advanced Options tab>...
  9. Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options

    This article is a continuation of article Risk Illustrations - Charts The next article explains Illustrations Settings within the Advanced Options tab, see  Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Illustration Settings ...
  10. Risk Illustrations - Report Content

    The Report Content tab allows you to amend the Capacity for Loss Supporting Statement , enter a Recommendation Summary  and Target Portfolio Summary. They will pull through to the Report : Capacity for Loss Supporting Statement: ...