Updated Articles

  1. Risk Illustrations - Compliance Details

    The Compliance Details tab includes the Capacity for Loss Statement , Investment Forecast Details by Year ,  Forecast Fees Summary ,  Risk Summary and Portfolio Factsheet. The Capacity for Loss statement populates based on how qu...
  2. Risk Illustrations - Suitability

    The Suitability tab includes a Suitability Statement & an Efficient Frontier graph: The Suitability Statement includes the minimum appropriate term for the investment horizon, term & risk category: The Efficient Frontier shows how th...
  3. Risk Illustrations - Capacity For Loss

    This article is a continuation of article Risk Illustrations - Charges & Fees . Complete the capacity for loss questions below to audit the discussion around whether committing to an extended term is appropriate for your client. If you wou...
  4. Risk Illustrations - Results + Costs & Inflation

    This article is a continuation of article Risk Illustrations - Results + Inflation The Results + Costs & Inflation tab, will display the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to m...
  5. Risk Illustrations - Results + Inflation

    This article is a continuation of article Risk Illustrations - Results + Costs . The Results + Inflation tab, will display the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to meet the objecti...
  6. Risk Illustrations - Results + Costs

    This article is a continuation of article: Risk Illustrations - Results Screen . The Results + Costs button will display the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to meet the objective...
  7. Risk Illustrations - Results Screen

    This article is a continuation of article Risk Illustrations - Capacity For Loss . The Results screen shows the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to meet the objective. For fur...
  8. Risk Illustrations - Charges & Fees

    This article is a continuation of article Risk Illustrations - Pathway Selection In the Charges & Fees screen, you can either enter specific charges or use a total solution cost. If using specific charges, click enable and enter the charge i...
  9. Risk Illustrations - Pathway Selection

    This article is a continuation of - Risk Illustrations - Investment Details In the Pathway Selection screen, you can either Select an Investment Pathway Portfolio or Use the Clients Default Attitude to Risk. If you would like to use the cl...
  10. Risk Illustrations - Investment Details

    This article is a continuation of - Risk Illustrations - Creating an Illustration Once the Illustration has been created, you can start to complete details of the scenario. Start by selecting the Target Risk Category: Complete the Investment...