Updated Articles

  1. Ex-Ante - Editing Investment Details

    Edit wrapper Investment details through the Edit button: Make changes and Save Once saved, the results will recalculate: ...
  2. Ex-Ante - Creating research within a client record

    Research can be created directly from the Pathways homepage, through the Research tab and within a Contact record. To create an Ex-ante scenario within a contact record, either: Search for the client in the top search bar: Alternatively, find ...
  3. Ex-Ante - Creating in the Research tab

    Research can be created directly from the Pathways homepage, through the Research tab and within a Contact record. To create an Ex-ante scenario in the Research tab, click into the tab from the Homepage: All existing research will be listed. Cl...
  4. Ex-Ante - Creating through the homepage

    Research can be created directly from the Pathways homepage, through the Research tab and within a Contact record. To create an Ex-ante scenario directly from the Homepage, hover over the Research tab and select the down arrow: Select  New...
  5. Client Check-in - CIP

    The Client Check-In allows you to add commentary to evidence that the clients attitude to risk, knowledge & experience and personal circumstances have been assessed. Once complete, Continue to Report ...
  6. Basis of Illustration - Mark Wrapper as Reviewed - CIP

    Once all tabs have been reviewed and the Capacity for Loss statement has been completed, you can check the box next to the Investment: If this is the only investment, you can proceed to the Check-In stage. If you have multiple investments, y...
  7. Basis of Illustration - Report Content - CIP

    Report Content contains a Recommendation Summary and Target Portfolio Summary.  When completed, they will appear on the report. The Outcome Summary  will display Total Invested During Term , Expected Outcome (Stochastic) , Fin...
  8. Basis of Illustration - Compliance Details - CIP

    The Compliance Details tab includes an internal Compliance Statement , Stochastic Investment Forecast Details by Year , Calculated Fees Summary , Risk Summary and Fund Fact sheet. The Compliance Statement is internal and will not app...
  9. Basis of Illustration - Ex-Ante Statement - CIP

    The Ex-Ante Statement tab outlines a breakdown of all costs: The next tab to review is the Compliance Details.   See article Basis of Illustration - Compliance Details - CIP ...
  10. Basis of Illustration - Suitability - CIP

    The Suitability  tab will display an Efficient Frontier  graph: Included in this screen is a  Value at Risk Statement at the bottom of the graph: Next tab to review is the  Ex-Ante Statement.  See article Basis ...