New Articles

  1. Why can't I see a specific platform/provider in the research screen?

    If you are expecting to see a specific provider or platform in the research, they may be unavailable for a number of reasons If you have created a Central Investment Proposition. The product is either not in the CIP or is in the CIP, but not alloc...
  2. How is Stakeholder pension reflected in the research?

    Stakeholder can be selected in the Comparison with Ex Ante and Ex Ante results screen. When selecting a retirement wrapper in the investment details, the 'Stakeholder' button will be available to select: The Stakeholder button will be h...
  3. I have created a Central Investment Proposition, but I can't see it reflected in the research?

    You will need to make sure the Central Investment Proposition is set to active. Navigate to  Investment Pathways: In the Central Investment Proposition area, find the record you have created. If the Active column shows the CIP as Inactiv...
  4. How do I set a Central Investment Proposition to active?

    Navigate to  Investment Pathways: When creating a Central Investment Proposition, you will get the choice of making it Active upfront: If you would prefer to work on the CIP before marking it as active, you can navigate back to  ...
  5. Why is research not appearing in the navigation bar?

    Pathways has been designed to open a tab in the navigation bar when the item you are working on does not have a dedicated tab. Risk questionnaires & Illustrations will appear in the navigation bar as they can only be opened through a contact re...
  6. How to access Synaptic Comparator through Google Chrome

    Navigate to Google Chrome and enter into the address bar. This will open extensions within Google Chrome. Search for an extension application called IE Tab.  This allows Silver...
  7. Can I get instant cover for Accident, Sickness and Unemployment?

    Instant Cover for Accident, Sickness and Unemployment is now available on Synaptic Webline. To apply for Accident, Sickness and Unemployment cover, Best Insurance requires you to pre-register before an application can be processed. Pre-register h...
  8. Synaptic Webline Protection - Accident, Sickness & Unemployment Cover

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. To apply for Accident, Sickness and Unemployment cover, Best Insurance requires you to pre-register. See article Can I get instant cover for Accident, Sickness and Unemployment? for more informat...
  9. How to access Synaptic Comparator using Microsoft Edge

    Using Internet Explorer mode provides compatibility with Silverlight while using Microsoft Edge technology, much the same as if a plugin/extension is used. To access Comparator using Microsoft Edge please use the following steps: Firstly, access...
  10. Why do I need to complete a new Attitude to Risk Questionnaire after the update?

    Changes to the latest Investment Strategy requires you to complete a new Attitude to Risk Questionnaire for your client. A field has been added to show the client's Previous Risk Rating, as seen below: ...