Popular Articles

  1. How do I disable pop-ups?

    Sometimes your Internet settings can prevent connection from Webline to the providers’ extranet sites to complete the e-apply journey. To prevent this, follow the instructions below: Edge Open Microsoft Edge browser. Click on "More a...
  2. Generating a suitability report

    Once you have created a ranking system which matches the client’s requirements, click on the Report  tool above the ranking results, below the page’s title. This displays the screen illustrated by the first screenshot. The firs...
  3. Using Synaptic Attitude to Risk Questionnaire

    When a new client is set up in the client module, you can click on the ‘Edit’ button alongside ‘Attitude to Risk’ to access the questionnaire. You also have the option to run a new questionnaire by selecting ‘change...
  4. Accessing the Risk Service in Synaptic Suite

    Once you have received your log in details via email, go to the Synaptic Software website – www.synaptic.co.uk and scroll down the screen until you find the ‘log in’ option. There are two ways to sign in. Click on Synaptic OR ...
  5. Creating a new contact in Synaptic Comparator

    To create a new contact in Synaptic Comparator, click on the Contacts button in the left hand menu: You will then be presented with the Contacts screen: Click the new  button: The contact details (titled Personal) ...
  6. What data does FE fundinfo supply?

    Synaptic Research uses mutual fund and index data supplied by FE Fundinfo. FE Fundinfo is a data company which specialises in the collection, validation, dissemination and analysis of fund information. It supplies more than half of all UK fund man...
  7. What are the definitions of fund performance figures?

    Quartile ranking A fund’s quartile ranking is its position within its IMA/ABIsector, based on absolute past performance, over a given time period. Synaptic Research uses two different measures of quartile rankings within its fund factsheets...
  8. Accessing the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire

    Adding a new client or searching for an existing client is easily completed. You can also access the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire Reports that you have previously saved by clicking on the report button: ...
  9. How to edit a contact in Synaptic Comparator

    Click the Contacts button in the left hand menu: Click on the client you wish to amend, click on the edit button: You will then have access to edit the client details, please note any fields marked with an * are mandato...
  10.  Getting started - Client Module & ATR Questionnaire

    All information contained within this video is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...