Popular Articles

  1. Why are no funds found when trying to create a portfolio?

    If you are trying to add funds when either in an existing portfolio, or trying to create a new one and getting 'No funds found' you are probably in Inclusions mode. When using Inclusions mode , only funds that you have '...
  2. What can someone in a Modeller Journey Override role see and do?

    This role is for users that are allowed to define the Modeller journey taken in each goal i.e. depart from the default set at the organisation. The administrator will have to tick the ‘Modeller Journey Override’ box.  This wil...
  3. Can I produce a Portfolio report?

    You can generate a report about a portfolio by viewing the portfolio settings and then clicking on the Report button at the bottom of the pop-up screen. The report about a portfolio consists of the following parts: The name of t...
  4. Using the Existing Plan area

    The existing plans area allows you to add the combined maturity values and projection rates of your clients retirement plans. Once added, the existing plans will be ranked against Retirement products within the results screen. To start, you will ne...
  5. I have tried logging in and now the site says I am logged out – why is this?

    For security reasons, Comparator locks the user account for 15 minutes if the password / username combination is entered incorrectly three times in a row. This has been designed to prevent unauthorised access / misuse of any user accounts. You will ...
  6. Where do I find products and how do I start new research?

    The first screenshot shows the list of product types on the software’s home page, divided up into tabbed groups such as Health, Life and Investments. See the section on Synaptic’s data for more information about how this list of ...
  7. Is there a difference between Product Research and Fund Research?

    Fund research works in almost exactly the same way as research into products such as term assurance, investment bonds, annuities etc. Mutual funds are treated as just another type of product, and have an entry (“Fund data”) on the Inves...
  8. How do I use the portfolio wizard?

    The portfolio wizard is designed to build a portfolio from a specified list of funds to meet a specific asset allocation. It will use the funds you supply and their respective underlying asset allocation in order to return the weighting in each fund...
  9. What is the difference between Quick reports and Suitability reports?

    The final stage in the client-focused research process is to generate documentation for the client explaining which contract you are recommending, and why.   N.B. Don’t forget that the system can be used to generate many other type...
  10. Does Synaptic Research “run in offline mode”?

    No. You need an internet connection to use Synaptic Research. (This guarantees that you always have access to all your work, regardless of which computer you did the research on, and that you are seeing the latest product and data. It also ensures t...