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  1. Synaptic Webline Protection - Redesigned Comparison Reports

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Redesigned and updated Comparison reports in Synaptic Webline. ...
  2. Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options

    This article is a continuation of article Risk Illustrations - Charts The next article explains Illustrations Settings within the Advanced Options tab, see  Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Illustration Settings ...
  3. Risk Illustrations - Charts

    This article is a continuation of article Risk Illustrations - Report Content . The outcome chart will show Contributions, Net Money In, Min, Mean and Max return figures as well as Withdrawals. Hovering over the chart will highlight the line/bar ...
  4. Risk Illustrations - Report Content

    The Report Content tab allows you to amend the Capacity for Loss Supporting Statement , enter a Recommendation Summary  and Target Portfolio Summary. They will pull through to the Report : Capacity for Loss Supporting Statement: ...
  5. Risk Illustrations - Compliance Details

    The Compliance Details tab includes the Capacity for Loss Statement , Investment Forecast Details by Year ,  Forecast Fees Summary ,  Risk Summary and Portfolio Factsheet. The Capacity for Loss statement populates based on how qu...
  6. Risk Illustrations - Suitability

    The Suitability tab includes a Suitability Statement & an Efficient Frontier graph: The Suitability Statement includes the minimum appropriate term for the investment horizon, term & risk category: The Efficient Frontier shows how th...
  7. Risk Illustrations - Results + Costs & Inflation

    This article is a continuation of article Risk Illustrations - Results + Inflation The Results + Costs & Inflation tab, will display the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to m...
  8. Risk Illustrations - Results + Inflation

    This article is a continuation of article Risk Illustrations - Results + Costs . The Results + Inflation tab, will display the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to meet the objecti...
  9. Risk Illustrations - Results + Costs

    This article is a continuation of article: Risk Illustrations - Results Screen . The Results + Costs button will display the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to meet the objective...
  10. Setting Attitude to Risk Manually

    To create an attitude to risk questionnaire, create a new contact or find an existing contact record. In this example, I will search for a contact called ‘Test Client 1’: This will load up their contact record: To create an atti...