New Articles

  1. Homepage

    See below for key areas on the Synaptic Pathways Homepage: ...
  2. Fund Lists - Export

    To export a Fund List, click 'Export Fund List' in the top right of the screen: This will export your fund list to a csv file and can either be found in the download bar at the bottom of the screen, or within the Download folder: ...
  3. Fund Lists - Import

    Funds can be imported into Fund lists within the Fund Lists  tab: Click into the Fund list or create new: Click 'Fund Import' in the top right of the screen: Click 'Sample File' to download the template file: Op...
  4. Fund Lists - Exclude Funds

    Excluded Funds can be added through the View Excluded Funds button: Add funds to your excluded list by typing in the fund name or fund code (Citicode, Sedol, ISIN and MexID) Excluded funds will be excluded across all fund lists and whole...
  5. Fund Lists

    The Fund Lists tab allows you to create one or more fund lists. Multiple Fund Lists can be active at one time and can be used on Central Investment Propositions. Create new Fund Lists through the New button: You can set the Fund List as Act...
  6. How do I change the Risk Set from 1-10 to 1-5 or vice versa?

    In the Configuration> Central Investment Strategy> Risk Categories  area, chose the Risk Set from the drop down: ...
  7. Portfolio Builder - Fund Weighting to Risk Category Resolver

    Portfolio Builder has a Fund Weighting to Risk Category Resolver. This allows you to enter funds into the portfolio, and set what  Target Risk Category you would like to achieve. Click Find Weightings: Select the Target Risk Catego...
  8. My Synaptic Pathways screen doesn't look right - How can I resolve this?

    If you are having issues with the view of Synaptic Pathways, for e.g. aligned issues, this may be related to your browser. Ensure your browser is on the latest stable version.  Synaptic Pathways is best used on Google Chrome. See article What...
  9. What Training is available on Salesforce?

    Salesforce offers  Trailhead  as a  fun interactive  way to learn how to use their products. Synaptic Pathways is built on the Salesforce platform and we utilise native functionality offered by Salesforce. Trailhead is fre...
  10. What Support is available?

    Our Support Team will assist you with any queries you may have. For all user and technical queries, contact us on   Telephone: 0808 164 5463   Email:   Sometimes it's faster and easier to find y...