Updated Articles

  1. How to access Synaptic Comparator through Google Chrome

    Navigate to Google Chrome and enter https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions?hl=en-uk into the address bar. This will open extensions within Google Chrome. Search for an extension application called IE Tab.  This allows Silver...
  2. Switching - Add Ceding Scheme

    Once the Research has been created, you can start to add Ceding Schemes to the research. See articles on how to create switching research - Switching - Creating through the homepage , Switching - Creating in the research tab or Switching - Creat...
  3.  Synaptic Pathways - How to reset a users password

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. How an Administrator can reset a users password in Synaptic Pathways ...
  4. Organisation Growth Rates

    Set default growth rates for your organisation for use in the research journeys. The growth rates set will be used as default values for deterministic projections for user defined holdings and when determining ceding schemes yields in Switching res...
  5. Ex-Post Reviews - How to create a review

    Ex-post reviews can be conducted from a holding that has been converted from ex-ante research. For more information on how to create a comparison with ex-ante or ex-ante research, see here. Navigate to the holding you would like to review: Cl...
  6. Can research be conducted from a holding that hasn't been converted from Ex-Ante Research?

    Yes, In the 4.2 release you are able to select a new holding (including generic) and create an ex-post review. When the ex-post review loads, you will see the same screen as when using a converted holding from ex-ante research, but there will be no...
  7. Off-Platform Holdings - Charges

    The Charges tab will only be available for user defined/custom holdings. For more information, see article  Generic Holdings - Charges ...
  8. Platform Holdings - Charges

    The Charges tab will only be available for user defined/custom holdings. For more information, see article  Generic Holdings - Charges ...
  9. Creating a Generic Holding

    Create a New Contact or load an existing record: This will open the contact record. Click into the Holdings tab and click New under the Off-Platform or Platform Holdings area: As we are creating a generic holding, the provider/prod...
  10. Generic Holdings - Contributions

    This article is a continuation of Creating a Generic Holding To add contributions to a Generic Holding, click New in the Contributions area: Select either Regular, Single  or Transfer : Complete details of the contribution: ...